Coming soon: When good greenhouse companies go bad: When a big, greedy Canadian company takes over a small, family-owned greenhouse and garden company, employees, customers and other businesses are caught in a web of deceit, harassment. Read shocking accounts of lies, brokent promises, treachery and a spiteful smear campaign orchestrated by the incompetent, nepotism-riddled management of this once great company. But don't just take our word for it - We've got the actual goods!
Because unlike BAD GREENHOUSE COMPANY, we believe in working things out like adults wherever possible, we're not naming names - yet - so any names here have been changed or redacted to protect the guilty parties.
I want to make a distinction for the record: Bad Greenhouse Company has great products and fantastic people who work there, taking care of customers. You guys (and gals) rock! The management and IT team are the problem.
This is a protest site with the purpose of getting the management of the BAD GREENHOUSE COMPANY to cease their bad behavior, which has recently consisted of intentionally interfering with the business relationship of one of their former service providors and another of that providor's customers by making highly disparaging false statements about that providor to the client and pressuring them to cancel their services with them.
We know that the founder of this company would never have wanted this to happen. He was a good man, and an honest man, who put customers and employees first. Let's hope these people remember that, and don't tarnish his good name.
We reached out to BAD GREENHOUSE COMPANY to ask them WHY they would do such a terrible thing, and determine if some manner of reconciliation was possible, but they have ignored us. We'd like to resolve this amicably, without messy publicity and litigation, but that can only happen with communication, either directly or through a 3rd party such as a mediator.
A reasonable amount of time will be given to work something out before we proceed to the next part of this, which will involve [in part] the release of BGC's nasty campaign of slander, innuendo and petty harrassment of various individuals and businesses. Other persons who conspired with BGC in this conduct will also be revealed.
We do hope this won't be neccessary. Isn't it at long last, time to bury the hatchet?
This can ALL go away with a simple apology and an agreement to make things right. That's what GOOD companies do for their customers, employees and everyone. Its the Golden Rule!